What We Do

Services Offered

Sports Development

We believe that every young person is designed to move. And so, we ensure that young people receive the sport and physical activity experience that is most impactful.

health service

Environmental Protection

We implement various programs that are aimed at reducing risks to the environment from contaminants such as hazardous materials and wastes, fuels, and oils. These programs address pollution prevention measures and regulatory compliance by providing procedures for safely working.

health service

Community Resilience and Livelihoods

We support young people in communities to build secure sources of livelihoods to ensure food security, improved quality of life as a pathway out of poverty for families. We provide capacity building through comprehensive community engagement on gender equality, agricultural development, health and nutrition, food security, education for all and other arising needs that hinder attainment of the SDGs.

health service

Promoting Gender Equality & Women Empowerment

Women have fewer opportunities for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher education, greater health and safety risks, and less political representation. We are working with communities and stakeholders to address gender equality and empower women and girls.

health service